Difference between bitmap and vector images

What is the difference between bitmap images and vector images in Photoshop. Bitmap or raster images are created by tiny dots called pixels, each pixel like a square that is assigned color. But Vector images are created by mathematical formulas to draw curves and lines. Most of vector images are combined lines with curves. In last posts, I have introduced bitmap image and vector image to you. If you don’t understand what are bitmap and vector images, I think you should read that post : What is a bitmap image in Photoshop; What is a bitmap image in Photoshop.

When you zoom in on bitmap (raster) image, you can see the individal pixel, each pixel has a color. All pixels create to a picture. So that, you can edit pixel’s color easily. Most of Photos are bitmap images on the internet.

Vector image allow you to zoom in and create an image with any size, and resolution is very good. Vector images are used to make logo. Unfortunately, vector images can’t use on the internet.

In this table, I will show the difference between bitmap image and vector image.

Thanks for your reading !

Photoshop Tutorials
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  1. HadzirM

    It’s say [table “1” not found /]
